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Stroke Survivors UK

Stroke Survivor Stories

You may find it helpful and encouraging to read our stroke survivor stories, particularly if you have shared some of the experiences and are able to identify with emotions, feelings and issues raised. Knowing that you are not alone and that other people are also reclaiming their lives after a stroke can help reduce feelings of isolation. It can also be useful to read about different coping strategies that other younger stroke survivors have used.

You can filter the stories by stroke type or cause, simply click one of the options below.

This is not an exhaustive list but the most common types and causes that are referred to within our Survivor Stories. 

Picture of Tom in hospital after surviving a haemorrhagic stroke aged just 32

Tom’s Story – Haemorrhagic Stroke aged 32

I wanted to go home to ring my mum and I got my mobile phone and tried to ring her, and wanted to say,

“Help, my speech has gone” – but I couldn’t.

She only lives about 100 metres from where I was playing anyway, so I went there in person to get help.

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Picture of Ranj, Chair of Trustees for Different Strokes who survived a haemorrhagic stroke at just 39

Ranj’s Story – Haemorrhagic Stroke at 39

Discover the journey of Ranj, the chair of trustees at Different Strokes, a charity dedicated to aiding younger stroke survivors. At 39, Ranj encountered the life-altering event of a stroke, and in this video, he shares his valuable insights and advice for others on the same path.

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Picture of Aimee who survived an ischaemic stroke aged just 40

Aimee’s Story – Ischaemic Stroke at 40

This was breaking my heart. I wanted to reassure her, but I didn’t want to scare her. My husband got them ready for nursery and I waited on the bed with my mind racing. Was I leaving my home, my children, my husband and coming back a different person? What did this mean to me, us as a family? Would I need full-time care? Would I walk again? I was convinced it was a stroke, and tears fell down my face. My daughter came in and wanted to hold my hand. I tried to reassure her but my words were so slurred.

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Picture of Gavin who survived an ischaemic stroke at just 51

Gavin’s Story – Ischaemic Stroke at 51

Gavin’s story sheds light on the challenges faced by young stroke survivors and the importance of resilience in the face of adversity. Through determination, energy, and focus, Gavin has not only overcome the hurdles of stroke recovery but has also emerged stronger and more empowered than ever before.

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Picture of Rachel who survived a Haemorrhagic Stroke at 26

Rachel’s Story – Haemorrhagic Stroke at 26

It’s affected my moods; that would be the big thing. I still have panic attacks, like it’s going to happen again, which brings me down some days as I feel like I’m on a knife edge, but it’s changed my whole perspective in life and how I look at things!

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Picture of Laura who survived a stoke at just 33

Laura’s Story – Ischaemic Stroke at 33

I had the MRI a few hours later and sure enough three stroke consultants pulled me and my dad into a room and told me I’d had a stroke. I burst into tears and asked if I was going to die. “Please don’t let me die, I have a 2 year old and she needs me.” I said and the consultant said I wouldn’t die, but that I would need to be admitted to the stroke ward for some further tests.

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Picture of Simon who survived a stroke at just 33

Simon’s Story – Ischaemic Stroke age at 33

I’m not a stroke victim, I’m a stroke survivor and as many people know there are often multiple factors to stroke, but I believe this builds on me as a person. These events led me to reflection. I handed in my notice and quit my job, knowing my job wasn’t good for my health. I have a family to support, and my health is much more important than anything!

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Picture of Deya who survived a stroke at just 28

Deya’s Story – Haemorrhagic Stroke at 28

I would recommend counselling and also speaking to others who’ve  suffered physical weakness after a stroke or any disability. It was definitely helpful for me to open up and understand my pain. This enabled me to move forward with my life.

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People often find that writing their story can be a difficult but cathartic and positive process, it can help in reaching acceptance and moving forward.

If you would like to share your story, please email us at 

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