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Virtual Meetings

Join us and other younger stroke survivors at our twice-monthly virtual meetings on Zoom. These meetings are a safe space to talk with people who understand, share experiences, and advice, and provide support for each other. 

Here are the dates for our upcoming sessions: 

  • Wed 10th July 1.30pm
  • Mon 22nd July 11am
  • Tues 6th Aug 1.30pm
  • Wed 21st Aug 11.30am
  • Tues 10th September 1.30pm
  • Wed 2nd Oct 12 noon
  • Tues 15th Oct 1.30pm
  • Mon 28th Oct 11am
  • Tues 12th Nov 1.30pm
  • Wed 27th Nov 11.30am
  • Tues 10th Dec 1.30pm
  • Mon 23rd Dec 11am
  • Tues 14th Jan 1.30pm

Please keep an eye on our website and social media in case there are any changes to any of these.

Picture of a stroke survivor getting identification through a Different Strokes Virtual Networking Event

Starting July 2024, we will also be trialling monthly virtual meetings exclusively for unpaid carers of stroke survivors.

These sessions will give carers a dedicated space to discuss their unique challenges, share coping strategies, and find support. Join us to connect, share, and grow together.

Frequently Asked Questions

What do we talk about?

There is no specific agenda for these sessions, but they are designed to be a safe space where people can talk openly and honestly about their experiences and feelings.

What happens during the sessions?

Once you click on the link, you will be taken to a waiting room and the facilitator will admit you when the meeting begins. Once the session has started, we will do a general welcome and then put all participants into breakout rooms, with a small number of people to ensure that you are able to have a good conversation in which everyone is able to participate.  Each of these breakout rooms will have a facilitator.

Do I need to book to join?

There is no need for you to book a place for these sessions, you can simply join on the day.

Do I have to talk and put my camera on?

It would be great if you can introduce yourself at these sessions. We know you may struggle with speech or communication so feel free to join in how best suits you, whether this is through talking, typing or having someone trusted with you who can help. Our facilitators will be on hand to make sure everyone feels comfortable.

I have aphasia - can I join?

We know it can be really challenging and scary to join conversation groups when living with aphasia. Please be assured that often other people in the meeting have had or will be living with aphasia. In fact, our meetings are a great place to practice conversation with understanding and supportive people.

I am not a stroke survivor - can I join?

We want to ensure these sessions are as comfortable as possible so we request that only stroke survivors attend. However, if you require a supportive person to help you with communication or anything else vital to your safety and comfort then they are of course welcome. 

Is there a different Zoom link every meeting?

To keep things straightforward the link is always the same! 

Is there a a password for the meetings?

There is no password.

If you would like to talk to a member of the team before attending a session just give us a call
on 0345 130 7172 or email

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